Kazakhstan's restaurant entered the top 16 most beautiful restaurants in the world


American Forbes published an article about the annual Prix Versailles award, in which the most beautiful restaurants in the world for 2024 are marked. Among them was Auyl restaurant, which received such a high recognition on the international stage.

The annual Prix Versailles, which recognises exotic and unique establishments around the world, from France to Kazakhstan, has unveiled a list of 16 new or reopened restaurants that have left an indelible mark on the world of gastronomy and architecture.

Importantly, these restaurants have been selected to compete for the three 2024 world prizes - Prix Versaille, Interior and Exterior - which will be announced at UNESCO headquarters by the end of November. According to Prix Versailles secretary general, Jerome Guadin, the list includes the world's best restaurants, emphasising the importance of architecture and its connection to people.

Restaurant Auyl attracted attention for its unique concept and aesthetics, which earned it a place among the world's most beautiful restaurants. This not only strengthens the country's status on the world gastronomic map, but also emphasises the significance of Kazakhstan's cultural heritage in the modern world.

‘Chef Ruslan Zakirov and designers from NAAW and Dunie Design have created an impressive space around the open kitchen, featuring a modern interpretation of Central Asian cuisine inspired by nomadic and pagan traditions,’ the award website said.

Damir Utegen Damir Utegen